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The infected 

If you want to survive, you have to know your biggest enemy. The infected.

The infected are living dead, and they have a single goal: Spreading the disease to as many as possible. Take care; given the chance they will make you one of them.

The infected are single-minded creatures, only focusing on spreading disease. They cannot open a door by using the handle, but is more than capable of destroying it and getting you that way.

An infected in a car will be trapped unless it manages to destroy the car somehow.

They can be recognized on their dragging way of walking, stiff movements and locked neck, giving their head a weird position. They tend to make noise when moving.

The infected can be put in categories after how long they have been infected:


Nova (infected up to 2 months)

Novas have the same senses as a human being, and they use eyes as primary hunting tool. Novas usually hunt in daylight.

They are dangerous because they are almost as fast as human. One should never underestimate what a Nova can do in close battle. Novas can run, but rarely do so.

Though Novas are faster compared to other infected, they are easier to kill. Everything killing a human will kill a Nova.

Inter (infected from 2 months – 3 years)

Inters have started to lose sight. They have no use for light when hunting, but will instead follow sounds or smells from humans. The longer infected, the less sight and the whiter eyes they will have.

Inters are slower than novas, though they are harder to kill. Damages has to be directly to head or heart to have a killing effect, as they cannot drown or bleed out as Novas can.


Caecus (infected from three years and forward)

Caecus have completely lost eyesight, and their eyes are completely white. This stadium is reached around three years after infection.

Caecus has lost most hearing too, and they are depending on smell to reach their prey. A bonfire can be fatal if Caecus is nearby.

Caecus are rare, but have a higher infection rate compared to the younger infected. Every bodily fluid is infected. They are harder to kill too, as beheading is one of the few things working on them. Completely destroying the head will do too.

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